Postal Services
Perhaps the seller gave you a link to a "fake" service and sent the parcel by regular mail WITHOUT the possibility of real tracking. On some online stores, for example, on AliExpress, the seller is obliged to give the buyer a tracking number for the parcel.
As a rule, the issued track really starts to be "tracked", but only on this "strange" website. It looks quite reliable and the buyer may not even have any doubts. In most cases, the statuses on such services are generated according to similar rules for all tracks of this service, differing only in dates. The intervals between events coincide with an accuracy of +- 1 day. The texts and the sequence of events also coincide. But in reality, the parcel, if of course it was sent, may not arrive or "get stuck" on the way. Although, according to the statuses from the "fake" service, everything is fine, the parcel is "on the way". These sites are created specifically to deceive buyers. And only for this.
At numerous requests from application users, "support" for fake services has been added. But the TrackChecker application is designed to track shipments on real services, and if the service is not one, then when you select it, you will see a corresponding warning.
There is a quick search in the list of post services (by name and SID). The filter input field is next to the list of services: in the track properties window, in the group properties window, in the settings window, etc.
Enter part of the service name ("FromGonduras" for example), and get a list filtered by the entered line.
To add a service that is not in the list, you should send one, or better - several tracks that should be tracked on the service and URL(link) to the tracking web site. The best way to do this is on the forum on our site, following the rules.
Make sure you use the RECOMMENDED (current) version of the program and the LAST version of the services before write to us that something is not working.
Go to the News section of this site and look for the latest serivces and\or App version. If there are updates - download and install the update.
If none of the above does not help, then create a topic in the appropriate section of the forum, following the rules.