TrackChecker Mobile is an Application for tracking any packages and shipments on devices running Android OS.
The application supports 1300+ postal services, international courier services and popular e-commerce carriers.
It automatically detects carriers by track numbers, but there is also a mode of manual selection of postal services.
The application has many convenient functions:
- track list management: groups and filters
- multilingual interface
- "on the way" days counter
- counter of days till order protection end
- translation of events and information about the package on many languages
- checking tracks by schedule
- appearance customization
- backup and etc.

First start

At first time you launch the application, the Application Setup Wizard will help you make the initial setup.
You should select your country to make Application knows which postal service should be tracked by default. Then you will be asked to choose the aditional postal services of your country.
It is recommended to select one or two postal services. If you select more (up to 10) postal services, each track will be checked on all selected services. Because of this, Internet traffic and the time for checking track numbers will increase in several times.
Adding new track
To add a new parcel (track number), click on the Plus button.
The window of adding a new track consists of three tabs:
- On the "Track No." tab, enter the track number of your parcel and a description of the parcel (for example, Charging for the phone). You can also enter a comment and link (optional!).
- On the “Postal Services” tab, make sure that the program correctly automatically determined the necessary postal services. If this is not the case, remove the excess ones and add the necessary postal services. It is recommended to add maximum 3 postal services.
- On the “Alert Date” tab, you can set the date of order protection end or number of days till this date. The program will count the days until this date so that you do not miss the deadline for opening a dispute. By default this counter sets by 60 days from the day you added a track.
Click "Save." Now the App will automatically check your track number on selected postal services.